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Anglaisfacile.com Cours de langues : anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien, japonais | |
Annenberg learner : Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Classroom resources in art, education, english language arts, mathematics, science, social study & history, world languages, k2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, college/adult | |
Art and archaeological sites in Lebanon Explore art and archaeological sites in Lebanon through virtual tours (unesco.org) |
British Council Digital Library British council's digital library in Lebanon offers a free access to journals, movies, music, E-books, audiobooks, E-magazines, academic E-books, games, theatre and much more until March 2022. |
Le conjugueur Le Conjugueur est un site dédié à la conjugaison française. Vous y trouverez tous les verbes conjugués à tous les temps et tous les modes. Le Conjugueur contient également des synonymes, des définitions, des exercices et de nombreuses règles de grammaire et de conjugaison pour vous aider à maîtriser l'orthographe du français. |
Dealhack The Dealhack List of Free Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic is a compilation of websites, educational institutions, and other businesses that offer free services and programs not just for home-based learning but also for your general well-being throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. You can download and print this guide in PDF format so you can access it even without Internet access. |
Global Grey e-Books Free ebooks to download fiction and non-fiction for all ages |
Hugo l’escargot Hugo l’escargot propose des milliers de bricolages, classés par thèmes. Maracas, peinture comestible, bateau pirate, marionnettes en papier, bâton de pluie… Les idées sont toujours originales et amusantes. |
Jeuxmaths.fr Le site contient plus de 250 exercices interactifs et de nombreux jeux de maths gratuits en flash ainsi que des quizz, coloriages, puzzles, sudokus... consacrés aux mathématiques de tous niveaux. (cp - première). |
Khan academy A nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. | |
Kids craft room was created by a primary school teacher with the goal of helping kids have a more hands-on, fun childhood with less interference from technology. The crafty website is divided into several sections, such as holidays, seasons, and sensory. | |
KinderArt KinderArt organizes their crafts by grade level, which means it’s a one-stop craft website for all your artistic needs. Your kids can make their bug village with materials from nature or try their hand at beginner’s stained glass. |
Litterature audio.com "Plus de 8000 livres audio gratuits à écouter et télécharger Ce site a pour objectif de faciliter l’accès de tous et en particulier des non-voyants et malvoyants aux joies de la littérature. (Fiction et non fiction)" |
Mathématiques magiques Maths amusantes | |
Mathenpoche Cours, exercices, aides animées, QCM et devoirs pour s’entraîner mais aussi de l’entraînement au calcul mental, des jeux logiques. 6e – terminales | |
My kid craft My Kid Craft lets you search their site with any parameter you can think of — age, grade, holiday, difficulty level, and more. | |
مكتبة الكتب تعمل على الهواتف الذكية والاجهزة الكفيّة أونلاين .PDF مكتبة الكتب الإلكترونيّة لتحميل و قراءة الكتب المصوّرة بنوعية |
National geographic Abu Dhabi National Geographic Abu Dhabi is dedicated to understanding and protecting the world, with its worldwide reputation of producing credible and authentic content that fits different viewers’ interests. Its programming is smart, factual entertainment weighted in favour of popular science, technology, natural history, archaeology and natural mysteries. |
Open Culture – Free eBooks Hundreds of free audio classic books to download. Collection includes works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry |
La passerelle des arts La Passerelle des Arts Is specialized in e-learning and offers numerous free lessons in finance, math, languages, games... with videos and texts. | |
Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg is an online library of free eBooks. IT was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. The Project Gutenberg collection has been built by the efforts of volunteers who, over many years, have selected and digitized a variety of written and other works. The collection continues to grow, as new works are submitted. |
Red Ted Art Fun and easy crafts for everyone! Making crafting accessible to all, whether as a carer you “love” or “hate” crafts, you will enjoy the ideas shared with you on this site! |
Tête à modeler Tête à modeler est la meilleure adresse pour trouver l’activité manuelle facile et rapide idéale. En effet, son interface claire permet de trouver rapidement ce qu’on cherche… Des activités Montessori aux bricolages de fête, en passant par des expériences scientifiques ludiques. |
Youtube Learning Explore learning video by age on youtube (Science, Math, Humanities, Electives), families and children from 5 to 13 and older. |