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ABCya ABCya.com is a website that provides educational games and activities for school-aged children. The games on the website are organized into grade levels from pre-kindergarten to Sixth grade, as well as into subject categories such as letters, numbers, and holidays. | |
Ahlan Simsim – أهلاً سمسم تُقدِّمُ "أهلًا سمسم" مجموعةً مُتنوِّعةً منَ الموادِّ وأَفكارِ الأنشطةِ للأطفال الصغار من سنِّ 0-8، بما في ذلك مقاطع الفيديو والكتب القصصيّة والبطاقات التّعليميّة وأوراق العملِ |
Bibliothèque numérique internationale pour enfants La bibliothèque numérique internationale pour enfants a pour but d'enthousiasmer et d'inciter les enfants du monde à devenir membres de la communauté mondiale – des enfants qui comprennent la valeur de tolérance et respect pour diverses cultures, langues et idées – en rendant disponible le meilleur de la littérature enfantine en ligne (Fiction et non fiction). | |
BookTrust BookTrust is the UK’s largest children’s reading charity, dedicated to getting children reading. Each year they reach millions of children across the UK with books, resources and support to help develop a love of reading. |
Children’s books forever Free children's fiction books that have become classics. | |
COLORI COLORI est une méthode qui vise à préparer les enfants au tsunami technologique que nous vivons aujourd’hui. COLORI prend la forme d'ateliers de découverte du code et de la technologie, d’inspiration Montessori, pour les 3-6 ans, sans écran, en périscolaire ou sur le temps scolaire. |
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger, son of the original programme's Daniel Striped Tiger. Every day Daniel puts on his red sweater, ties his shoes, and invites a new generation of preschoolers into the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. With the help of Daniel and his friends, preschoolers have fun and learn practical skills necessary for growing and developing. | |
Digital Learning Initiative – Center for Educational Research and Development An effort made to mitigate the crisis and current circumstances forced by the major spread of the novel corona virus. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), the Center for Educational Research and Development (CERD) as well as public and private school administrations and teachers are all collaborating to provide an effective and impactful solution and make this initiative a reality. |
Educatif enfants Educatifenfants.com est un site de jeux éducatifs pour enfants de maternelle et primaire. Ces jeux gratuits ont pour but d'accompagner les enfants au cours de leur année scolaire. |
Fact Monster Fact Monster combines essential reference materials, fun facts and features, and homework help for kids. From the solar system to the world economy to educational games, Fact Monster has the info kids are seeking. Our site is COPPA and kidSAFE-certified, so you can rest assured it's a safe place for kids to explore. | |
Funbrain Created for kids in grades Pre-K through 8, Funbrain.com has been the leader in free educational games for kids since 1997. Funbrain offers hundreds of games, books, comics, and videos that develop skills in math, reading, problem-solving, and literacy. |
Gallica Proposé par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica offre l'accès à une collection numérique de documents sous types de supports : imprimés (monographies, périodiques et presse) en mode image et en mode texte, manuscrits, documents sonores, documents iconographiques, cartes et plans. Cette bibliothèque est représentative des grands auteurs French et des courants de recherche et de réflexion par delà les siècles. Composée de documents rares ou difficiles d’accès, cette sélection est complétée par des documents permettant de resituer ces œuvres dans leur contexte intellectuel, illustré par des mémoires de contemporains ou décrit et commenté dans des outils de référence (dictionnaires, bibliographies). | |
Global Digital Library Provide access to free, high-quality, early grade reading resources in languages that children use and understand. |
Hello Kids Les jeunes peuvent apprendre à dessiner des personnages ou à réaliser diverses activités manuelles (origami, fabrication de vêtements pour poupée, pâte à sel, etc). De nombreux contes, poèmes, histoires et articles journalistiques sont également proposés ainsi que des fiches et des jeux pédagogiques pour apprendre en s’amusant. |
January Bookshelf January Bookshelf | |
Jeux pour enfants – Mediathèque intercommunale Jeux éducatifs variés à partir de 3 ans. | |
Jeux pour tout petit Jeux en ligne pour les tout petits, les jeunes enfants et pour les bébés |
Kadi and Ramadi كادي ورمادي تطبيق كادي ورمادي هو تطبيق إلكتروني تفاعلي تعليمي/ ترفيهي يحتوى على أربع عوالم رئيسية: عالم القيم و الأخلاق- عالم اللغة و الأدب- العلوم الاجتماعية- والعلوم الأساسية. في التطبيق مجموعة مختارة من قصص الأطفال التفاعلية والألعاب الذهنية والأنشطة الفنية التابعة لها ومقاطع الفيديو التعليمية |
LearnEnglish Kids LearnEnglish Kids by the British Council, the world's English teaching experts. It contains lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children. | |
Learning games for kids Educational games are a great tool for building foundation math and language skills that today's elementary school curriculum requires. These online learning games and songs for kids are fun, teach important skills for preschool and elementary school kids and they're free. | |
Lulu la taupe "un site de jeux interactifs et à imprimer pour enfants. Les jeux en ligne sont classés par âge. Les enfants de 2 à 10 ans et plus trouveront des jeux pour apprendre et s'amuser. Les jeux à imprimer gratuits permettront de passer d'agréables moments : labyrinthes, relier les points, coloriages, coloriages codés et autres fiches pédagogiques." |
Les mondes de Chloé – France Culture France Culture lance sa première collection “savoirs” dédiée à la jeunesse : "Les mondes de Chloé" est à découvrir en famille, dès 8 ans. La première saison "À la belle étoile", entre fiction et astronomie, est un voyage initiatique en 12 nuits, consacré à l'espace et aux constellations. | |
Max & Tom Le site Max & Tom est destiné aux élèves de maternelle et de primaire (jusqu’au CE2) et fourmille de jeux éducatifs gratuits. Lecture, initiation aux langues étrangères, mathématiques, travaux créatifs… | |
Ms Rachel – Toddler Learning Videos Toddler Learning Videos and Baby Learning Videos with a real teacher, Ms. Rachel! Ms. Rachel uses techniques recommended by speech therapists and early childhood experts to help children learn important milestones and preschool skills! You can trust Ms. Rachel to provide interactive, high-quality screen time! |
Numberblocks Little blocks with big ideas, having a ton of number fun. Learn how to add, subtract and count in a fun and educational way! |
Open Culture – Free k-12 educational resources "This collection provides a list of free educational resources for K-12 students (kindergarten through high school students) and their parents and teachers. This page is being updated and cleaned up during the COVID-19 crisis. Free video lessons/tutorials; free mobile apps; free audiobooks, ebooks and textbooks; quality YouTube channels; free foreign language lessons; test prep materials; and free web resources in academic subjects like literature, history, science and computing." | |
Oxford Owl for Home – Free eBook Library Free eBooks collection, developed for children aged 3–11 years old. |
Prodigy math game Engage students as they explore the Prodigy Math Game world, where they answer math questions to complete epic quests and earn in-game rewards. |
Série de livres animés Série de livres animés | |
Sesame street Encourage children to learn and cultivate important skill sets through playful games and interactive storybooks. | |
Smarthistory Smarthistory unlocks the expertise of hundreds of scholars, making the history of art accessible and engaging to more people in more places. | |
Starfall Starfall is a children's website that teaches essential English reading and writing skills. The main demographic is preschoolers and kindergarteners. It teaches children how to read by using games and phonics. | |
Storyplace, the children’s digital learning library StoryPlace came about to provide children with the virtual experience of going to the Library and participating in the same types of activities the Library offers at its physical locations. First launched in 2000, StoryPlace has been newly redesigned to present favorite stories and activities in a format compatible with desktop and mobile devices. The site also now includes early literacy information for parents and caregivers. |
Tabshoura Tabshoura is a free educational trilingual platform based on the Lebanese Curriculum and on active learning that helps you become an autonomous learner. Choose your platform : Tabshoura Kindergarten, Tabshoura MiddleSchool or Tabshoura Plus. | |
Tidou Jeux éducatifs et amusants classés par âge pour passer de bon moments. | |
Turtle Diary Educational website that offers over 1000 learning activities that are both interactive and educational. The games support necessary skills while promoting fun. TurtleDiary activities are compatible with grade levels K-5 and provide opportunities to enhance material retention and increase success in the classroom. |
UpToTen Plus de 1000 jeux et activités... destinés aux tout petits, enfants du préscolaire et du primaire dans un environnement ludique et entièrement sécurisé. |