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Lebanese Association for History – الهيئة اللبنانية للتاريخ LAH promotes the learning and teaching of history as a discipline in Lebanon, raises public awareness about the importance of history, and ensures that history teaching becomes more recognized by society and more engaging to learners with a focus on historical concepts. |
Massader مصادر هي قاعدة بيانات الكترونية باللغة العربيّة متاحة للجميع، تحوي موارد تعليميّة خاصّة بمعلّمي التاريخ وتشمل نصوص، صور، مقالات، وثائق وروابط لأفلام وغيرها من المستندات. مصادر هي منصّة مفتوحة للاستخدام ويمكن لكم تحميل وتنزيل المستندات التي تختارونها. |
UMAM Documentation and Research UMAM is a Lebanese non-governmental organization that believes in the need to confront Lebanon's strained past if the country is to ever move out of endless cycles of violence and instability towards the establishment of lasting and enduring peace. Using documentation and research as its primary tools, UMAM D&R seeks to inform the future by dealing with the past. It continues to add to its vast and diverse collection of documents, books, films, magazines, newspapers, and other material from Lebanese history and provides access to these resources for anyone with an interest. |